Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Giving back....Mr. Michael Gotz and M. Dianna Shyne

An artist I have so much admiration for was married three years or so ago to the love of her life.
He is an artist, too, a jazz musician.
He has become ill with a scary blood disease and we all hope and pray that he whips this thing and they can get back to their happy lives together.
For now, though, we need to quickly pull together. this Sunday evening at Bakes Place n Bellevue, I am going to be joining other friends of Dianna Shyne and her husband, Michael Gotz.

Let's come together. Let's have some excellent music and great food at Bakes this coming Sunday evening. We will have some great items, so come, bring your wallet and your heart, and have some fun while raising a few dollars to help Michael with his treatment.
Who will join me??? Please let me know here!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Back in the studio!

I am excited to work on pieces commissioned by such wonderful people I met at the Samish Art Festival. I have many new ideas I am looking forward to doing as well! Will post them as they come!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

-SOLD! I will be at The 18th Annual Samish Island Arts Festival will be held on Saturday, July 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Samish Island Community Center." SweetPeas-- 24 in by 11 3/4 in.

One week from tomorrow! No boat ride required. Drive onto Samish Island, about 45 min from Everett. Chukanut Exit off I 5. Music, Great seafood chowder from the Edison Cafe, 40+ artists with beautiful jewelry, wood, glass, paint artists, and smell the fresh sea air, meet some friendly folks of which I am one! The Samish Island Art Fest!See you there?
Mention this post at the show and get a free signed print!

Need a map?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baby Shower Register

When surrounded by loved ones to welcome a new baby, the beautiful cards and photos taken often are tucked away. With a painting to hang in the new baby's room, the messages of wishes for this new baby are always there read aloud when walking baby, to bring love into the room where baby sleeps!  Share your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wedding Guest Registry

Here is another wedding guest registry that I did for an amazing couple.
I love that they have this in their home to remind them of their beautiful day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Samish Island Art Festival

I am really excited to participate in this years Samish Island Art Festival
on July 26, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Samish Island Community Center. Keep checking back on my blog to get a sneak peak of what I am working on. 
See you there!  


 Don't you just love winter birds? 

Samish Island

One of my most favorite places in the world is Samish Island. You see me showing my Grand daughter, Ryan Elizabeth, all the parts of this vista I love. At this age, she listens intently as I describe all of the beautiful things that give me inspiration!

Monday, May 12, 2014

EXAMPLE-Commissioned Wedding Guest Register

This is an image of a commissioned wedding guest register that allows for good wishes to be shared by guests, preserved to grace their home with love of close friends and family.